For Team Fortress 2 on the PC, a GameFAQs message board topic titled 'What's the console command to change respawn times?' Fixed minmode affecting hudlayout.res. This should fix TargetIDs from being cut off. For real this time; June 11th 2018 update: Respawn text is moved to a location where, hopefully, it will no longer overlap other elements. Removed all instances of Minmode having effects on modified parts of the HUD. For Team Fortress 2 on the PC, a GameFAQs message board topic titled 'Respawn time = 0'. Whoops i forgot to say goodbye lol! Got carried away!! Anyway hoppe you enjoyed it!
Be sure to click 'SHOW MORE'! There's some information you'd want to read down here, as well as copying the actual script included! This is an uncommon trick.
Troubled from Team Fortress 2 lag? Save yourself the frustration and solve your problem with this detailed guide.
Team Fortress 2 has been one of the best games of all time and there are still a lot of players who play the game. It is one of the top free-to-play games on Steam right now with players flowing in on a daily basis. However, with the ever-increasing players, there have been increased and consistent reports of TF2 lag which includes instances of high ping, disconnections and more.
Team Fortress 2 Lag
There have been a lot of reports on different community forums on the internet of players experiencing all kinds of problems related to TF2 lag in the game and these reports have been increasing in numbers.
While Valve, the game’s developer is working with Internet Service Providers around the world to rectify this problem for everyone, players who are looking to fix Team Fortress 2 lag have been left searching for a solution to the problem.
How To Fix TF2 lag

This guide is going to try to end that search for you and is going to provide you with some of the general fixes to the problem. These fixes have been tried and tested and have been confirmed working by many players out there and this is why you should check out these fixes to see if it helps you with your problem.
So, with that said, let us have a look at some of the best ways to fix TF2 lag.
System Requirements
Before you try any fixes and tweaks for fix Team Fortress 2, you should make sure that you meet the official recommended system requirements for the game. The official recommended system requirements that have been released by Valve for the game can be seen below:
- OS: Windows® 7 (32/64-bit)/Vista/XP
- CPU: 1.7 GHz Processor or better
- RAM: 512 MB RAM
- DirectX: Version 8.1
- Network: Broadband Internet connection
- HDD: 15 GB available space
- OS: Windows® 7 (32/64-bit)
- CPU: Pentium 4 processor (3.0GHz, or better)
- DirectX: Version 9.0c
- Network: Broadband Internet connection
- HDD: 15 GB available space
Meeting the official system requirements for the game is very important as it can help you fix the majority of the TF2 lag problems. If your computer does not meet these system requirements, it is advised that you upgrade your system to meet these requirements.
TF2 Lag Spikes
If you do not have the option to upgrade your computer at this time and are looking for another way to fix TF2 lag, you can try to adjust the graphics settings for the game according to your current setup and see if you notice any improvement in your problem. A screenshot of the graphics settings for Team Fortress 2 can be found below:
The best way to pursue this would be to turn down all of the settings to the lowest graphics settings in the game and then check if your problem is resolved. If the problem has been solved, work your way through the settings to find the ones that suit your setup the best. This should help you fix this problem for good.
How to Reduce Lag In TF2
One other way to fix TF2 lag reliably is to reinstall the game and Steam and this should help you fix this problem for good. But, you need to carry out this process correctly. First, you should uninstall Team Fortress 2 and Steam and then remove any remaining traces of them using a program like CCleaner. Once done, restart your computer and then reinstall Steam and then the game.
This might sound cumbersome and unnecessary to you but it is worth noting that it has helped a lot of users fix this problem for good and this is why you should try this.
Choose A Different Game Host
Sometimes, the problem could exist because of a problem on your game servers end and also because of issues with the internet connection of your game host or game server. In this case, you can try switching to a different game server to see if it helps you with your problem.
TF2 Server Lag
You should also make sure that you have a decent internet connection available to you when gaming online as a slow or incapable internet connection is one of the big reasons why people experience TF2 lag. While there is no fixed requirement for internet connections in this regard, you should make sure that you have at least 4MBPS of download and upload available to you when playing online.
You should also make sure that there are no other devices on your home network that are using the internet when you are playing the game as this is also one of the big reasons why people experience this problem.

Use A Wired Internet Connection
You might not know it, but if you are on a wireless internet connection, it is most probably the reason why you are experiencing TF2 lag. A wireless internet connection is prone to packet loss, high ping and disconnections by nature because of it traveling through the airwaves.
This is why it is not recommended to play your game on a wireless connection and you should switch to a wired connection to make sure that such problems do not occur. Switching to a wired connection should help you fix this problem for good.
Kill Ping Lag Buster
One of the most reliable ways to fix TF2 lag is to use a gaming VPN. These Gaming VPN use different techniques to reduce your lag and latency to the game server and have been reliable in fixing this and other related problems as well.
One of these popular Gaming VPNs is Kill Ping which uses its network of dedicated servers around the world to reduce your latency to the game server. This will help you fix Team Fortress 2 lag and other related problems for good and you should download Kill Ping for free if you still have not tried it out.
The 2.0.1 Patch to Team Fortress 2 Classic has been shipped. To download the update to TF2Classic, open up the TF2Classic Launcher executable within the tf2classic folder, and press the Update button, and the files will automatically be downloaded. The major changes include:Weapons:
Updated the Nailgun:
- Damage rampup increased from 150% to 175% to match Scattergun (Max damage now 20 up from 17)
- Faster fire rate from 0.115s to 0.1s
- Clip size & max ammo reduced by 20%
Updated the Flamethrower:
- Made flames and airblast more reliable
Updated the Dynamite Pack:
- Recharge time slowed from 7s to 10s
- Faster throw charging time from 4s to 2s
- Airblast, bullets and melees push the main Dynamite Pack slightly further
- Airblasting Dynamite Bomblets now extinguishes their fuse
Updated the Mine Layer:
- Mines of losing team no longer detonate
Updated the Coilgun:
- Fixed the Coilgun's Alt-fire preventing reloading when empty
Updated the Hunting Revolver:
- Fire rate slowed from 0.6s to 0.75s
Tf2 Respawn Command
Updated the Tranquilizer Gun:- Effect duration is now affected by distance falloff
- Effect reworked: Colorblind victim, and slow their movements by 33% for up to 5s
- Includes: Move speed, reload speed, weapon switch speed, melee attack speed, and Minigun Spin-up and Spin-down speed
- No longer affects mouse sensitivity
Updated the Umbrella:
- Plays a sound when Alt-Fire is unsuccessful
Updated Teleporters:
- Are now 50 Metal by default, and can be reverted back to 125 with tf2c_building_gun_mettle 0
Updated Nail/Syringe Projectiles:
- Are now consistent with the Server's projectile position

- Enabled Vote Kicking by default
- Enabled vote kicking players in spectator
- Enabled Rate-limiting on ClientCommand 'voicemenu' (Voice Command spam has been limited to 0.3s, minimum)
- Allowed custom items_game.txts to now allow PDA items in Medieval
- Fixed Voice Chat to be a bit louder (If you've changed Voice_Scale, revert it back to 1)
- Fixed an oversight that allowed achievements to be earned in Randomizer
- Fixed a crash related to Arena Queue
- Fixed a crash related to Disguising
- Fixed a crash related to winning in Payload
- Fixed a Linux crash related to CTF
- Fixed broken sounds on Linux builds
- Fixed the GRN flamethrower particles
- Fixed being able to push stickybombs only once
- Fixed the 'Bounced Betty' achievement being unachievable
- Fixed loading item schemas packed inside maps
- Adjusted Demoman bots to use Stickies more often
- Adjusted Heavy bots to not eat Sandviches while ubered
- Adjusted Sniper bots to fix a case of picking bad spots
- Adjusted Civilian Bots to stay behind the frontline, and retreat to spawn if no cover is found
- Adjusted Randomized Loadouts from being preserved on intentional deaths
- Increased the Building Placement trace, to prevent some out-of-bounds exploits
- Updated players to say 'Thanks' when extinguished from afterburn
- Updated dropped ammo (i.e. dropped weapons) to glow
- Updated Map Icons for simplified server browser
- Updated the Changelevel Vote Issue to respect the Map Cycle
- Updated the Options menu to lower sensitivity as low as Legacy options can
- Updated the Medal Listings
- Updated the Voting Icons
- Updated navigation files for Mineside and Badwater
- Updated Localization

Updated vip_badwater:
- Time has passed within Badwater, and is now brighter outside
Updated vip_harbor:
- Fixed a bug where RED's respawn time was shorter than BLU's respawn time, after capturing B
- Updated the respawn time after B's capture to be 10 seconds for RED, and 2 seconds for BLU
- Changed some models
Updated vip_mineside:
- Added a new second route to the Escape Zone
- Made some areas brighter
- Added a small ammo kit to upper balcony at mid
- Added more cover for upper balcony at mid
- Adjusted respawn time for Red during Escape gates being open to be longer
- Small changes in general
Updated vip_trainyard:
Tf2 Remove Respawn Time Command
- Updated the respawn time to be 2 seconds for BLU
- Shortened the round timer from 6 minutes to 4 minutes and 30 seconds
- Changed some models
Here's a small tutorial on how to use our Launcher+Updater program, for usage in updating the mod for yourself, and server owners:
For Windows users:
- Open the 'tf2classic' folder, in your Sourcemods folder.
- Find and open the 'TF2ClassicLauncher' executable.
- In the 'Launch game' tab, there's a button labeled 'Update'. Click this button to update the game. If it is faded out, you're up to date.
- After everything has installed, press the 'Launch' button, or locate the game in your Steam Library.
For Linux users:
- You'll need to download our Linux Only Updater, and once it's fully installed, please read through this PDF.
For Torrent Users:
- As this patch might put a lot of stress on the server behind the launcher, we've decided to also provide a manual download in the form of a torrent.
Optional Direct Mirror:

- If you are having trouble with either of these methods, here is a direct mirror for the 2.0.1 patch.
- Once downloaded, extract the files into your 'tf2classic' folder using 7zip.
If you need any further help, please reach out to our Public Discord, and we can try to help.