Bottle and Cappy Orange Jacket & Jeans. Flannel Shirt and Jeans. Fallout 76's 1st Public market—A Trading Reddit for in-game caps, items,. Fallout Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. Posted by 2 months ago. Duchess explains that she is not the same person (i.e. Fallout 76 Outfits refers to cosmetics that players may equip to complete a look. Duchess, real name Maude, is the owner and operator of the Wayward in Appalachia in 2103. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a.

But I think don't think you want to find her, honey. Fuzzy Costume HeadMr. If notes about the Duchess of Welch have been discovered, the player character can ask Duchess if they're the same person.
Fuzzy Mascot SuitNuka World Geyser Jacket & JeansNuka World Jacket & JeansNurse UniformOrange Shirt Western OutfitPadded Blue JacketPastor's VestmentsPatched SuitPatched Three-Piece SuitPrisoner Miner UniformPristine Moe OutfitRadstag Hide OutfitRanger OutfitRanger Outfit CleanRatty SkirtRed and Khaki Shirt and SlacksRed DressResponder Cop UniformResponder Fireman UniformResponders Paramedic JumpsuitRitual BindingsScavenger OutfitScience Scribe's UniformSequin DressSkiing Navy and Orange OutfitSkiing OutfitSkiing Outfit CleanSkiing Purple and White OutfitSoiled Mr. Duchess, real name Maude,[1] is the owner and operator of the Wayward in Appalachia in 2103. Recently, she has been experiencing problems with aggressive patrons questioning her about someone named Crane. [4], If she is asked about her life before the war, she will mention that she worked in pharmaceuticals and 'made some friends and lots of enemies.' Duchess sold Buffout and had strong criminal connections, though her blackmailing of law enforcement officials (such as the police officer Gerald Whitehead)[1] kept her from being captured. World already had all the monsters it could stomach. Poseidon Energy Plant WV-06 - South expansion,, Duchess is first found in her tavern, the Wayward, just across the road from the overseer's camp, being held at gunpoint by. ... Close. The following items contain clues about the quest: Fandom may earn an affiliate commission on sales made from links on this page.
Fallout Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. Posted by 2 months ago. Duchess explains that she is not the same person (i.e. Fallout 76 Outfits refers to cosmetics that players may equip to complete a look. Duchess, real name Maude, is the owner and operator of the Wayward in Appalachia in 2103. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Rumor was that she was a smart, savvy, effortlessly beautiful drug kingpin. Uncover the quest to loot the ill-gotten gains of the pre-war crime boss called Duchess. Duchess the lady who starts the quest in Wayward? Fallout Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. share. In 2103, Duchess is the owner of the Wayward, a tavern and inn near the overseer's camp in the Forest. This feature is unique to this fallout game, and is meant to promote individuality and provide freedom for players to express themselves and role-play their characters. Fuzzy Mining HelmetNewsboy CapOld Fisherman's HatParty HatPompadour WigProspector's HatRanger HatRanger Hat CleanRed BandannaResponder Fireman HelmetRitual HeadpieceRitual HoodRitual MaskSack HoodSea Captain's HatSentry Bot HelmetSkiing Outfit HatSkiing Outfit Hat CleanSkull BandannaSoiled Mr. she's turned a new leaf) and that the Duchess of Welch from before the Great War is not the same person she is now, and deeply regrets the suffering she's caused as a former drug kingpin. Find Duchess's Stash is a miscellaneous quest in Fallout 76. Amusement Park Worker OutfitArmy FatiguesAsylum Work UniformBaseball UniformBathrobeBlack Fisherman's OverallsBlack Vest and SlacksBomber JacketBrotherhood Lab CoatBoS JumpsuitBottle and Cappy Jacket & JeansBrotherhood FatiguesCamden Park UniformCappy Jacket & JeansCasual OutfitCivil War–Era DressCivil War Era–SuitClean Steel Worker UniformClown OutfitConfederate UniformCop UniformDirty Army FatiguesDirty Black SuitDirty Postman UniformDirty Tan SuitDrifter OutfitEnclave Officer UniformEngineer's UniformExplorer OutfitFarmhand ClothesField Scribe's UniformFire Breather UniformFireman UniformFisherman's OutfitFisherman's OverallsForest Camo JumpsuitGolf OutfitGolf SkirtGrafton Monsters Jacket and JeansGreaser Jacket and JeansGreen Fisherman's OverallsGreen Shirt and Combat BootsGrey Fisherman's OverallsHalloween Costume SkeletonHalloween Costume SkullHalloween Costume WitchHunter's Long CoatLab CoatLaundered Blue DressLeather CoatLetterman's Jacket and JeansLongshoreman OutfitMarine Tactical ArmorMechanic JumpsuitMilitary FatiguesMilitary Intel Officer UniformMilitary Officer UniformMiner UniformMr. Fallout 76 Outfits refers to cosmetics that players may equip to complete a look. What is the outfit Duchess wears?
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100% Upvoted. Fandom may earn an affiliate commission on sales made from links on this page. Fuzzy Mascot SuitSpacesuitSpacesuit CleanSpacesuit JumpsuitSteel Worker UniformStraight JacketStraight Jacket CleanSummer ShortsSurveyor OutfitSuspenders and SlacksSweater Vest and SlacksSwimsuitTattered Field JacketTattered Moe OutfitTattered RagsTraveling Leather CoatT-Shirt and SlacksUnion OutfitUnion UniformVault-Tec JumpsuitVTU Jacket and JeansWestern OutfitWestern Outfit & ChapsWhite and Grey Shirt and SlacksWhite Powder JumpsuitWhitespring JumpsuitWinter Jacket and Jeans Nuka-Girl rocketsuit Tattered Dress Ragstag Hide Outfit Urban Operative Underarmor Undershirt & Jeans Road Leathers Long Johns Harness Forest Operative Underarmor Flannel Shirt and Jeans Brotherhood Soldier SuitPrototype Hazmat SuitHazmat SuitGarb of Mysteries, Asylum Worker Hat Assaultron Helmet Baseball CapBattered FedoraBeer HatBlack Cowboy HatBlack Prospector's HatBlack-Rim GlassesBlue BandannaBlue Batting HelmetBoS HoodBottlecap SunglassesBowler HatCamo BandannaCampaign HatChef HatCivil War–Era Top HatClown HatCombat Armor HelmetConfederate HatCop CapCrumpled FedoraDirty Army HelmetDirty Enclave Officer HatDirty FedoraDirty Postman HatEnclave Officer HatEyebot HelmetEyeglassesFaded VisorFaschnacht Death Skull MaskFaschnacht Devil MaskFaschnacht Harlequin MaskFaschnacht Man MaskFaschnacht Merman MaskFaschnacht Napoleon MaskFaschnacht Owl MaskFaschnacht Second Man MaskFaschnacht Witch MaskFashion GlassesField Scribe's HatFireman HelmetFisherman's Hat Firebreather HelmetFlight HelmetGray Knit CapGreen BandannaGreen HoodHalloween Costume Witch HatHard HatHooded RagsHunter's HoodLeopard Print BandannaMarine Armor HelmetMetal HelmetMilitary CapMilitary Intel Officer Dress HatMilitary Intel Officer HatMilitary Officer Dress HatMiner HatMiner Hat CleanMining HelmetMonster MaskMy. r/fo76: Welcome to the Fallout Network subreddit for Fallout 76. (info coming soon). Outfits are worn 'on top' of your armor, so you do not need to sacrifice survivability for fashion. Before the update, she was only mentioned in the game. Fuzzy Mascot HeadSteel Worker HatSteel Worker Hat CleanStriped BandannaTin Foil HatTriggerman BowlerTrilby HatUnion HatUshanka HatVault-Tec Security HelmetVTU Baseball CapWelding HelmetWood HelmetWool Fisherman's CapWrapped CapYellow Slicker Hat Prisoner Collar Wraparound Goggles Gas Mask with Goggles Welding Goggles Patrolman Sunglasses Fashionable Glasses Prospector HatSpacesuit Helmet Sack Hood with Straps Sack Hood with HosesSurgical Mask Skull Bandana Striped Bandana Red Bandana Leopard Print Bandana Camo Bandana Blue Bandana Tattered Mole HatVeil of Secrets VTC Security Helmet, Contributions to Fextralife Wikis are licensed under a, You can find outfits in the wasteland by completing ?? Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Duchess was the criminal leader of a drug operation and hid a stash containing some good supplies.
Duchess appears only in Fallout 76, introduced in the Wastelanders update. Question. You can help, This section is needed but has not been written yet. The infobox template in this article is missing some required data. This feature is unique to this fallout game, and is meant to promote individuality and provide freedom for players to express themselves and role-play their characters. She wants to put her old life behind her, commenting that the Duchess in Welch disappeared when the bombs dropped, a symbol for erasing her past.[5]. She was under investigation from an agency that also planted surveillance material in her home. She was under investigation from an agency that also planted surveillance material in her home. You can help, This article is too short to provide more than rudimentary information about the subject.
Free shipping for many products! Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Fallout 76 PC - Duchess outfit - PRETTY RARE at the best online prices at eBay! Lucky for us all, that gal disappeared when the bombs dropped. 2 comments. You can help.
Duchess was the criminal leader of a drug operation and hid a stash containing some good supplies. [6] She is known to make her own alcohol, which she sells to customers. Find Duchess's Stash is a miscellaneous quest in Fallout 76. save hide report. 1. I've heard of her. Prior to the Great War, Duchess was a drug kingpin operating out of Welch. Prior to the Great War, Duchess was a drug kingpin operating out of Welch. Outfits are worn 'on top' of your armor, so you do not need to sacrifice survivability for fashion. [2][3] She also had a hand in the automation riots by procuring weaponry for the blue-collar miners. Left a trail of broken families wherever she went.
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